Drag OUT the Vote!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
08:00 PM - 11:45 PM
Good Judy's
103 North 1st Street, Grand Junction, CO, USA
21+ event
Tickets for this event are a little different! Buying a booth or table does not include entry fee, that is a separate GA ticket. GA Tickets will increase to $8 at the door unless you have repurchased a table. A portion of proceeds go to offset travel cost for finalists!
The Fine Print:
- This is a 21+ event only!
- Entertainers work hard for their tips as do all of our staff, tips are greatly appreciated, and we do have an ATM onsite.
- Entertainers are wild & untamed creatures, they startle easily, and are highly motivated by the color green! They're also prone to use patrons as props during their show. Again move slowly, and distract them with green strips of paper!
- Full bar is available, ask your server for your favorite cocktail, mocktail, beer, or most anything else!
- Table reservations will be held until 7:45pm, if you haven't notified staff of a late arrival, we reserve the right to resell the table to other parties. These events do sell out so we appreciate your timeliness.
Fancy Dress & Dress Codes are not enforced, we encourage you to come have fun with us! If that means you dress to the 9's, or wear your favorite getup, so be it! Keep it mostly PC please, you know who you are! XOXO
Select a ticket and proceed to registration details